Sunday, February 7, 2010

Time flies...

Wow, I was totally intent on daily blogging when I started this and look at me now... I've missed days and days. I've been busy with selling tickets for our New Orleans fundraiser dinner, which went off beautifully last night. We made about $800 and enjoyed a really fun evening. So, I'm on a spring-fever-redo-the-whole-house kick. My husband is terrified :) I'm starting with painting the small bathroom, which I haven't painted at all since we moved in almost nine years ago. The girls and I picked out a yellow and bought a gallon. The tile accent in the bathroom is dark blue and we thought pairing that with a nice bright yellow would be really cute. Weeelll, we got a REALLY bright yellow!!! Luckily I'd bought a gallon of white too, for a piece of furniture I'm redoing too. So taking both colors we mixed a yellow we love and will get to paint Tuesday. I'm going to use white bead board on the lower 2/3 of the walls and the yellow up top. It's going to be fresh and clean. I took the girls to an alpaca farm in Blaine today and met a really cool gal and saw her beautiful farm. I want alpacas now.......Off to bed and teaching tomorrow. Go Saints! YAY!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Gorgeous weather again today! In Science class we played outside. We observed shadows and made a sundial on the cement with rocks and a stick. The kids were so excited by this simple demonstration! In Farm class the kids played "horse herd". They all had a ball. I can't stand being indoors when it's 50 degrees out in January! Makes me want to start planting things...but like every year this time, when I get all excited for spring, a cold front moves in and it snows or something. There are so many projects I can't wait to get started outdoors and I can't wait to write about them. I'm going to make a lean-to greenhouse using eight sliding glass doors I got free off of craigslist. And I'm going to make six raised vegetable beds so I can use the existing garden on the back property line for corn and pumpkins. I also need to refinish some antique furniture, paint the small bathroom, build another bedroom, remodel my bathroom, move my washer and dryer, get the picture. I'm going to trim Meggie's nails now. And she's barking, at what I don't know. Oh, it's her little stuffed bee which she's proceeding to tear the rest of the guts out of. Ahhhhhh, love her! :)

Favorite part of today- Sunshine all day
One thing- One thing I love about my girls is their willingness to learn!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Let me just say wow...and WOW! It's the most beautiful sunny day here in the great northwest. I'm soooo excited today! The girls and I are going to see the Dance Theater of Harlem's free, one-hour demonstration show at the Mt. Baker Theater. They are going to show us (very briefly!) what a dancer's life is like. I danced for almost ten years in my youth and to this day, I cry watching The Nutcracker. I was in it twice. Once at Mt. Baker Theater and once at the Performing Arts Theater at Western. I LOVE ballet. My daughters took ballet earlier in their young lives and have natural abilities. My older was in the intermediate class when she was eight. They're avid soccer players now, which is awesome, but I'd always hoped one would lean toward dance. When we get home I'll pick up those piles of winter clean-up from the other day and continue sprucing up my flower beds. Happy day to all!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Some days I should just stay in bed. This was one of them! I woke tired and when I got to school I was still fairly discombobulated. My science class went well, it always does. I have bright, enthusiastic kids and the experiments we do are really fun. Everyone has a good time. Farm class is usually fun too. Today, quite challenging! The kids were especially restless and the fact that the class is the last one of the day puts a strain on everyone's patience. However, we made it through and the cotton ball sheep we made turned out really cute. I actually took twenty minutes and laid down when the girls and I got home and felt rather refreshed when we headed out to gymnastics. My youngest is such a good little gymnast! I LOVE watching her as she learns and has so much fun. She gets to do a "show" soon, I can't wait. We're watching "House", love it, and having some ice cream. Tomorrow's another day!

Favorite Animal: Domestic House Cat

One Thing: One thing to kind to others :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

In the beginning...

I just came from a friend's house where our small group attempted to start reading a new book. Key word, attempted. Two extremely excitable Minnesota fans, ten pre-teens upstairs, and eleven adults happily socializing, made for a chaotic-to-say-the-least atmosphere. Much to my disapproval we turned the game off to adult male made a face at one of the boys and then he made a face back and the giggling ensued. All focus gone! The game went back on and OH, so sad for the "old man" but YAY Saints! Time for some much-needed rest. Mondays hold two classes for me, five for one daughter and three for the other. I teach science and farming to 1-3 graders at our parent partnership. Gymnastics for an hour and a half in the evening. Busy day!

Favorite Color: Purple
One Thing: If you're going to say one thing, say what you mean, mean what you say, and don't say it mean.

In the beginning...

Just as I was going to go outside and tear off a large piece of roofing from the horse stall, it started raining. Not that I haven't spent numerous hours working in the rain, I have. I used to work for a landscape maintenance company and here in the Northwest, if you don't work in the rain, you don't work much. I just don't feel like being cold and wet at the moment...The roofing blew mostly off in the last wind storm, about a month ago. This large piece has been flapping around, looking ridiculous ever since. It's been screaming at me to get it down because nobody else around here seems to see it! And so much for picking up the piles of branches and leaves I raked yesterday. Oh yeah, "Life is what happens when you're planning something else". HA! :)
I'm now going to work more on cleaning some old silverware I got at a garage sale last summer. I practically stole it and it's really beautiful. I'm going to donate my existing mismatched "silver" and use a stranger's set instead. I love other people's well-loved stuff. If it's still useable, make use of it, right?

In the beginning...

I couldn't wait to sit down and write this morning. I love writing and I haven't been doing enough of it. It's cold and windy this morning. The nor'easter is a blowin' and if it doesn't warm up I'll be darned if I'm working outside today...pause...had to let Meggie in. She's our 10 month old corgi. LOVE her! She packs a personality the size of Ferndale in that squat little body. Must start my day now...

Favorite Quote: "Life is what happens when you're planning something else".
John Lennon

One Thing: If you only do one thing today, do it well and do it with a smile. :)